
August 29, 1759
Born in the city of Hull.
Summer 1768
Goes to live with his Aunt Hannah and Uncle William.
September 11, 1780
Elected member of Parliament for Hull.
April 7, 1784
Elected member of Parliament for Yorkshire.
Easter 1786
Accepts Christ, completing his “Great Change”.
October 28, 1787
Writes his life mission statement, “God Almighty has placed before
me two great Objects: - the suppression of the slave trade and the
reformation of manners.”
May 12, 1789
Delivers his acclaimed first speech against the slave trade.
February 1, 1793
France declares war on Britain, a conflict lasting 22 years and
distracting the abolitionist’s movement.
March 15, 1796
Crushing, narrow defeat of the anti-slave trade bill.
May 30, 1797
Marries Barbara Spooner, a devoted Christian.
February 23, 1807
Finally, passage of the bill abolishing the slave trade.
March 25, 1807
The anti-slave trade bill given royal assent.
February 22, 1825
Retires from parliament after 45 years of service.
July 26, 1833
The House passed the bill abolishing slavery in the British Empire.
July 29, 1833
Dies at the age of 73 in London.
Dr. Cawthon Summarizes Wilberforce's Life in a Single Phrase